About WSEL

WSEL provides cutting-edge water research analyses at a low cost. Home to state-of-the-art instrumentation for inorganic and organic water analyses, our capabilities range from part per trillion organic and inorganic analysis to in-situ water parameter characterization. WSEL is the top choice for numerous UW-Madison Departments and local businesses and has also assisted with analyses for other universities and federal agencies.

The Water Science and Engineering Laboratory (WSEL), located within the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, is a multidisciplinary facility devoted to research and graduate training. WSEL is administered by the College of Engineering (COE) in collaboration with other campus colleges. Researchers affiliated with COE, the College of Agricultural and Life Sciences (CALS), and the College of Letters and Science (LS) conduct research in WSEL. Collaborative projects frequently bring scientists and engineers from the WI DNR, the US Geological Survey, the Wisconsin State Laboratory of Hygiene, industry, and other universities to WSEL.



The Water Science and Engineering Laboratory is located in the Civil & Environmental Engineering Department within UW-Madison‘s College of Engineering.

Additional laboratories on the UW-Madison campus are shown below.

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UW-Madison Research Cores Directory

Additional laboratories on the UW-Madison campus can be found via the Research Cores Directory.

Environmental Engineering Core Facility (EECF)

The Environmental Engineering Core Facility (EECF) is located in Engineering Hall on the UW-Madison campus. The mission of the EECF is to provide students and faculty with access to core equipment for water quality analyses. The lab houses a variety of analytical instrumentation to analyze the microbial and chemical characteristics of water samples related to drinking water treatment,
wastewater treatment, and recovery of valuable products from waste streams. Instrumentation for shared use include the following: Flow Cytometer, Epifluorescence Microscope, GC-MS (Gas Chromatograph-Mass Spectrometer), GC-FID (Gas Chromatograph with Flame Ionization Detector), GC-ECD (Gas Chromatograph with Electron Capture Detector), GC-2014 (Gas Chromatograph for gas composition analysis), HPLC (High Pressure Liquid Chromatograph), and ICP-OES (Inductively Coupled Plasma-Optical Emission Spectrometer).

Over the last 5 years, the lab has been used for research by students/faculty members from the following departments: CEE, GLE (Geological Engineering), Chemical & Biological Engineering (CBE), Biochemistry, Geoscience, Soil Science, and Biological Systems Engineering.